Kids 'n Kinship is looking for guys to spend time with youth this summer. Volunteers meet with a child once a week for fun time doing sports, hobbies, & exploring the great outdoors. Consider being a friend to a young man like Alvin!
First name: Alvin
Age: 8
Interests: Alvin loves
football, soccer, & baseball. He
also enjoys sledding, bowling, movies, playing games, and going places like
GrandSlam & Valleyfair.
He is easy-going but active. His three favorite people are Batman, the
Hulk, and Spiderman. Alvin lives with his single parent mom and his younger
sister who already has a mentor.
Goals/Dreams: Alvin would
like to learn how to snowboard. He would
also love a key to open any door. He’s
looking for a male mentor, couple, or family with older kids to have fun with
For more
information: Alvin is waiting for a mentor through Kids n’ Kinship in Dakota
County. To learn more about this agency, contact Kids n’ Kinship at or 952-892-6368.
For more information about mentoring in your area, contact the
Mentoring Partnership of Minnesota at 612-370-9180 or check its online list of
mentoring programs at under "Find a Program."